Thursday, June 11, 2009

Red Neck Shower

On June 6th (Yes, I know I'm late posting this) was my daughter's bridal shower.
The theme was a Red-Neck Shower,
Miller Light cans were strung on the
house and fence, and I'm talking
hundred's of of them.
I can't even imagine how much time
or hours of drinking beer was done
to make this possible. It was really

The cake, well it speaks for itself.
Who ever thought of an ice chest
full of beer, was is a genius.

Tiffany's father's side of the family and long-time family friends (of me too) hosted this very special event. My son-in-law to be is a perfect fit into our families. No, he's not a red-neck (or is he.....), I just know how happy my daughter and granddaughter are since Robert came into their lives.

Tiffany has a really good friend (Jamie, that's her in the blue top), and her husband (John), has a really good friend (Robert), do you see where I'm going with this? Well they were introduced at their Halloween party and the rest was history. They fell in love and are now getting married. I love Robert just as any mother would love her son, simply put, he completes my daughter.
Okay, enough about that, let's get on to the shower - it was fun, everyone had fun.

Kids, they can have fun anywhere there is water, Cheryl set up her grandkids slip-n-slid and that kept them entertained for a while, them Ryland spotted the small pool and that was filled up with water and they played for hours in there.

Grandparents having fun......

Young adults having fun........

Older adults having fun.........

Family having fun........................
Tiffany's dog ("Sammie")having fun..........

Before my parents left, and much to every one's pleasure.... we had another photo taken. Why is it no one ever likes their photo taken? Well, I love it when my children are together and I have to take advantage of any opportunity to get another photo.
Until next time..... Valerie

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Kids, you got to love them!

As I look at these pictures I see several things, first I asked my dear children to smile so I could get a picture of them. As you can see, they listen very well. After taking a look at the picture on the back of the camera, (don't you just love the ability to do that) I noticed several things. First my son and soon to be son-in-law were acting silly in their pose. My daughter at least gave it an attempt to smile, I could tell she was tired and was TRYING to humor me. She really hates pictures. The boys, and I do use the term lightly, were just trying to aggravate me.

I wonder what they are looking at. See the angle of their eyes pointing towards the sky, I wonder if it's Superman.

Can you see the true aggravation in my daughter's lovely face here. I think it's more a smirk than a smile, the BOYS on the other hand, are really trying my patience. As I scold them, and Tiffany sees that they are not even trying, I ask them to pose AGAIN to her horror.

Well as you can see from this very pretty picture, my son is over playing games, my son-in-law is not taking my tone of voice seriously, and my lovely daughter is giving me her favorite pose. I think that's a "take this" gesture.

Why is it that they can't just humor me and take a pretty picture. They should know by now where it will end up. ON MY BLOG! Have a great weekend everyone.